
Monique van Zurk:

Christina, you speak the language of the heart!

Every performance I see touches me because it is so pure. You manage to reach both young children and older 'children' with beautiful stories portrayed in an atmospheric magic, thanks to the wonderful lighting and music by Gilian.

You are TOP!

Moniek Sanders:
We found Mole Bim to be a huge success as well; the children were so enthusiastic! The theme fit perfectly, and you could see it in the children's reactions. As far as we're concerned, it's definitely worth repeating!
Floor Knuit:

Dear Koekla,

We received so many special reactions from children and parents about your visit. Truly, truly magical. I hope to welcome you more often. It was absolutely magnificent. Thank you for coming.

Michel Poletti - director of the Puppet festival Lugano:
Thank you for your show Aladdin, full of elegance and smile. Christina is a real good performer with a real presence on stage and a very pleasant way to move - kind of dancing.Bedankt voor jullie bijdrage aan ons 50-jarig jubileum!
Kristien Cuppens:

This morning, along with a beautifully filled grandstand of kindergartners, I watched the performance of Mole Bim. A show that embodies everything theater stands for: wonder, expression, and emotion.

So beautifully simple yet layered.

And – although performed in many places around the world – delivered with a great deal of love.

Highly appreciated by both children and teachers.

And definitely worth remembering,

for the next season,

or another occasion.

Karin de Boer:

Saw a super fun performance today at Theater Concordia. The Frog Princess was truly delightful. Group 2-3 of St. Jan Primary School can't stop talking about it. Thank you!

Theater Landgraaf:

We thoroughly enjoyed Mole Bim!

As always, you managed to captivate the attention of both children and adults from start to finish.

And that's no small feat at an outdoor market where things are a bit more chaotic than usual.

Ankie de Kort:
Thank you very much for your wonderful contribution to the successful Castle Day 2019! We received many compliments for your beautiful performance of The Frog Princess!
Faat Oumansour:

Koekla, you are such a creative person that you even manage to connect different cultures in your performances! Keep it up. We look forward to your next show.

Once again, it was a wonderfully beautiful and fantastically executed performance! The children loved the exciting fairy tale of Aladdin. It was enchanting, and the children remained captivated by everything that happened.
OCCI Kinderpret:

A huge thank you on behalf of 101 children, parents, and after-school care leaders for a wonderfully fantastic fairy tale afternoon, Koekla!

Sander Amerongen:

We are very glad that we found you and are extremely satisfied with your professionalism.

Christina is amazing! Her voice, movements, and enthusiasm are uniquely admirable! The puppets are so beautiful! The music, sounds, and lighting are breathtaking!

Caroline Seerb:

The little ghost was stunning in one word!! Keep it up. We all enjoyed it so much!! I also found your expressions so beautiful, even when you were not actively playing. Beautiful set, wonderful lighting, sound, media. A complete performance.

Danilo Liwanag:
Your show at the Quanzhou China Festival was truly amazing. As I had said; you’re not only a good puppeteer but also a versatile theater actress. I have watch closely your moves in managing the manipulation of all your puppets and its wow! terrific.
Marjolijn OBS Het Bossche Broek:

Today, the kindergartners and their teachers thoroughly enjoyed your fantastic performance once again! This time, we watched a new show from you: The Little Ghost. Such quality in all aspects: the execution was so professional, the scripts perfectly fitting, the music beautifully composed, the balance between tension and relaxation well maintained, the story. It was simply amazing once again!

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you again at Het Bossche Broek.

OBS Harry Bannink:

Every year when Koekla is on the art menu, we don't look any further... There's nothing better than watching a Koekla performance with the kindergartners! Yesterday and today we watched "Kabouter Thijm." It was amazing once again!!! See you next year!


Today we attended your performance 'Kabouter Thijm' in Opwijk (B). The set, the beautiful puppets, the enchanting atmosphere, and the thrilling dialogues between the puppets... Highly recommended. It's impressive what you two manage to create!

Mira Beckers - Theater Landgraaf:

It was a full house once again. Everyone, from young to old, enjoyed your performance. The beautiful puppetry by Christina, the wonderful flexible sets beautifully lit by Gillian, and last but not least, the stunning puppets! We look forward to welcoming you back next season at Theater Landgraaf!

Rob van der Horst:
Primary School De Zuidwester from Haarlem watched the performance of The Frog Princess with groups 1 & 2. The children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful puppets, the set, and of course the enchanting story. See you soon with a new performance.
Jaap Lotstra:

Every aspect of Kabouter Thijm was truly wonderful, from the story, the performance, the puppets, the set, the lighting, to the sound. Even though it was made for small children, it was also very entertaining for us adults. That is the hallmark of quality!

Dianne van Kaathoven:

Thank you so much for today, the children had a fantastic time! In one word, it was amazing. Compliments! Hiep Hoi Children's Festival Beek en Donk


What a fantastic, joyful, and beautiful performance Thumbelina was. We've seen almost all your shows. The only one we haven't seen is Aladdin, for which I've already ordered tickets. Christina, you are truly amazing!!! Keep up the great work!!!

Basisschool het Palet:

What a beautiful performance Mole Bim! Our children loved it! Such beautiful puppets and set design, and a wonderful story! It is highly recommended!

Linda Spinoy - Theater Hof ten Hemelrijk:

This morning, I went to see Mole Bim. I think I can say, along with all the children who watched the performance, that it was absolutely brilliant! It was the first time Theater Koekla was our guest, but I certainly hope it won't be the last!

Toi van Gelder:

Excellent children's theater. Imaginative, warm, funny, beautifully crafted, and wonderfully performed. Compliments from a professional.

Martine Karregat: 

Just watched the beautiful performance of Thumbelina. Highly recommended for every school! We are already looking forward to the next performance by Koekla Puppet Theater! Thank you for the wonderful show, also on behalf of the children!

Best regards,

Teachers and children of Sint Vincentius School in Volendam.

Yvonne Aldenzee:

Our people thoroughly enjoyed it! It was so special to see that even those who normally can't handle these types of activities were now intensely enjoying themselves! It was a feast for the eyes and ears! 

ORO Daycare for people with intellectual disabilities.

OCCI Kinderpret:

What a wonderful afternoon, Christina and Gilian, with your well-attended latest performance of Masha and the Bear! This marks the 18th year of a fantastic collaboration... May many more children continue to enjoy all your beautiful work for years to come!